When income dries up, people often fall behind on paying their utilities, including water, gas, electric and other bills. Utility assistance programs offer monetary assistance designed to help low-income individuals and families with getting caught up on utility payments. These organizations may provide financial assistance and grants for people who received shut off notices from their gas or utility companies. Funds for utility assistance may be limited, so contact these services if you’re struggling.
Emergency Shelters Clothing Meals Youth Shelters Childcare Physical Health Education Employment Rent Assistance Utility Assistance
+965 1 808300+965 1 808300
The International Islamic Charity Organization (IICO) is one of the largest humanitarian organiza...
Islamic charity groping the conditions of Muslims in the world and is seeking to build the Muslim...
Education Physical Health Childcare Youth Shelters Utility Assistance Clothing Meals Women's Shelters
00965 1866 88800965 1866 888
In the course of thirty-seven years of continuous giving, the name of (Direct Aid) has been appro...
+965 9727 7745+965 9727 7745
Al-Najat Charity is a Kuwaiti non-governmental organization, a leader in charitable work, dedic...
+ 44 70 44 024 115+ 44 70 44 024 115
Over the last 20 years, Royal Group Charity has distinguished itself as the go to organization fo...
The International Committee of the Red Cross is an impartial, neutral and independent organizatio...
(+965) 224-07195(+965) 224-07195
Missions has the mandate to invest in the lives of people and the ministry of people. Missions, t...